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  It was Mr. Charles only who had stopped his wife from calling the ambulance. He told her to call Mr. Congruen instead of the ambulance, and adding to it, he said, “Please don’t try to question me!”

  Mrs. Jane in the fear of Mr. Charles called Mr. Congruen and immediately handed over the phone to him.

  “Where are David and Susan currently? Its Charles. Can you hear me?” He yelled, having got back his lost memory.

  “What did you say right now? Could you please repeat!” Delightfully said Mrs. Jane, while interrupting him and too rude a reply came from him, “Can’t you please shut up your mouth for a second.” Mrs. Jane being frightened of Mr. Charles deigned to keep quiet or else she very well knew the consequences.

  “Umm! I think they must have been killed by know. But why; why do you wanna know about them? Anything urgent!” said Mr. Congruen while answering the call of Mr. Charles.

  “Be quiet! Just rush to Stone Avenue, right now and no queries please. Bye!” replied Mr. Charles for the last time, while hastily taking the keys of his car, he rushed to Stone Avenue, which was nearby his house but a little far from Mr. Congruen’s residence.

  Mr. Charles, having reached the place, was waiting for Mr. Congruen to arrive. He arrived too, but a little late which followed the below mentioned conversation.

  “In which place are my children being chastised?” said Mr. Charles in strain.

  “I think in a small town named as Alorence.”

  “How much far?”

  “Around twenty-six kilometers from ‘ere.”

  “Sit in the car.”

  “But why?”

  “Be quick and don’t dare to question me!”

  “But you can’t force me. I’m a government legitimate.”

  “I said in! Or I’ll shoot you with this newly bought tiny weapon,” said Mr. Charles angrily while keeping his pistol over Mr. Congruen’s forehead.

  “I’m coming but when I get out of ‘ere, I’m surely going to ensure that you’re in, for the charge of putting a pistol over the Magistrate justice of Zurich,” and he finally had to sit in the car and as soon as he closed the door of the car, Mr. Charles rushed his black Infunitive with a speed of 120 kmph.

  It had been around one hour since Mr. Charles had departed from the Stone Avenue but continuously moving on the highway, his sight neither experienced any kind of town nor a fertile land. Once again, with pistol in his hand, he put it over the chest of Mr. Congruen and finally after being scared from the callousness of death, he told Mr. Charles the right way to the place where Susan and David were counting the last jiffies of their lives. Undoubtedly only a single second could remarked the hastiness of Mr. Charles as he drove his car.

  On their way to the town, they found many forests, while on the other hand, they found barren pieces of land too but their major desired being, to relieve David and Susan from the fearful mouth of death.

  The reason was somewhat perplexing as the two convicted people didn’t exactly know that the immortal had sent an angel for their relief; they being in complete misery and grief. Whatever, the reason could be, the fact rather important was, the precipitous innocence of Mr. Charles towards his slayers, more apropos to say, children. Had he recovered? Recovered himself from a baffling memory loss perhaps, it was something else.

  A glad situation for the couple was that Mr. Charles had departed and at any moment of time, could be the reason for their relief but time which was a major factor, was not in the hands of anyone and may be it could lead to a dangerous situation, somehow, significantly for David and Susan; the biggest rivals of time.

  Mr. Charles, full of spirit and ambition, sitting in his automatically geared Infunitive, suddenly put a brake to the motion of his energetically moving tyres. So hastily, so hurriedly, he took out Mr. Congruen out of the car and once again his pistol aiming at the back of the Justice, he asked furiously, “What is that old warehouse made of tin, exactly doing here? In such a barren and unknown place, I don’t think so it has anything to do with this primeval place. Reply quickly or else you would be the next victim of death. Not a simple one! You must be knowing the condition of people who have abided the terror of a pistol. It’s not at all easy. The main fact of the whole thing being your death. Exactly, no reputation, no fame, only death,” he got into a little bit overacting but his main aim being to know the location where David and Susan were to be chastised, perhaps, they had been already chastised. Whatever the result be, Mr. Charles was intended to relieve his children from the nastiness of death.

  “No, I don’t know, what exactly is it,” mumbled Mr. Congruen in a slow voice which preceded the following conversation between them.”

  “Okay then sure, close your eyes, see yourself wise and don’t you ever realize the bliss of life,” Mr. Charles said casually while loading his pistol.

  “Stop, stop; I’ll tell you. That’s none other tha-n-n,’ he said once again in a gloomy tone; his soul intended to save his life from the fright of death.

  “What? What is it? Tell me or I shall; for my gun already aiming you, fully loaded; show you the way to the heaven, perhaps hell for your misdeeds.”

  “No! I mean yes, it is the place for the castigation of your children and they shall have, in few seconds, left this oblate spheroid.”

  “Are you still waiting, my dear, chap. Show me the way, in there, or else you know better!”

  “Come with me, but be low, there’s a laser protection security system and if you, by chance touch it, the Zurich police shall report in no time, so be careful,” said Mr. Congruen hastily showing way to Mr. Charles, into that hoary tin warehouse.

  “Yeah sure, but don’t try to act oversmart because alas the game is in my hand and it shall not, take any time, for me; to shoot you before the police arrives,” replied Mr. Charles while petrifying Mr. Congruen and followed him without wasting any time.

  “Here it is; the entrance for the warehouse. I’ll not go further but tell you the way to the room in which they might being chastised,” said Mr. Congruen after they had clandestinely walked a long distance.

  “No, you’re coming with me,” revolted the pistol of Mr. Charles and they both started moving.

  Through the stinking vaults, they finally reached a password protected vault.

  “Open it and be quick; no smartness, please”; “Or else; why do I have to remind you again and again?”

  “Wait, I’m opening it but be sure, there are policemen waiting for people like you,” he said while entering a perplexing password, which displayed small asterisks, basically showing the password in a secret way, for criminals, not able to identify it.

  “Z26-U21-R18-I9-C3-H8,” he entered the fifteen digit password but while the hatch was opening, Mr. Charles hid himself behind a wall and told Mr. Congruen to release his children while he called the ambulance.

  All the rifles pointing towards the opening of the hatch, had to aim down while they had to salute as they had seen the Magistrate Justice.

  “Oh my God; quickly extinguish that fire, it is not required and also turn down the electrical supply while one of you go to the ladies quarter and relieve Susan. Not even a minute had passed, when the fire was extinguished, David was relieved but a report grabbed their complete attention, leaving Mr. Charles in guilt.

  “Sorry sir but Susan has been chastised and the operators have already buried her body in a newly dug grave,” one of the man operators reported the news to Mr. Congruen.

  “That’s not possible. I’ll burry all of you, present over here, and you all shall be facing the trepidation of death and terror too,” said Mr. Charles furiously and pressed the trigger; his aim pointing towards Mr. Congruen.

  There was a hush in the chamber but the moments which followed, remarked the prospect when he was arrested. The trigger was released swiftly but the pistol was of no use as there were no bullets in it at all but how was it possible? He had, on his own, inserted a new magazine into the pistol last night but why was it not working?
Possibly there could be only one unsatisfactory clarification exactly to offer; the muzzle of the pistol might have been jammed because of the choking substances floating in the stinky water of the vaults, where his gun had fallen down in the water while he had crouched to be low, at the time when the hatch was opening.

  He didn’t actually know the reason but there was something truly wrong. When Mr. Congruen, snatched away the pistol from him, he told the men to leave Mr. Charles and clear him of the burden as he was mentally challenged at that time.

  He realized that the pistol was just a prank which Mr. Charles was playing with him as there were no bullets in the magazine of the pistol.

  “Shall I arrest you or you still have an explanation to offer. Tell me Charles,” he said in a tone which regarded that the game, having not been played properly, was now in his hands and everything had been finished. David was, however, recovered and sent to the hospital, while his chastisement was still left to be decided.

  “Yes, I have an absolutely relevant explanation to offer, which states that David is not my slayer and Susan was not involved in any kind of planning for my slaughter,” said Mr. Charles in guilt for his daughter-in-law.

  The Truth Of The Appalling Night

  There was a kind of hush in the chamber; chamber of the police investigation. Mr. Venginny was sitting in front of Mr. Charles, and a huge table being the only object between them. Mr. Congruen, after some time too arrived there and sat in a big chair which was especially meant for the investigation, not wanting to question Mr. Charles but had to query him as it was his job and he was feeling guilty as he was the reason for Susan’s irrelevant death just because of a death sentenced ordered by him.

  Mr. Charles told him that while he was taking out snacks from the refrigerator, the door bell resonated the whole house due to which he had to quickly keep back the snacks and hastily rush towards the entrance of the house. When it had been jammed that might because of the appalling blizzard but when he heard the shrieks of Susan, he was not able to control himself. He sat and thought for some idea but his mind being completely bland was not able to think anything. He was not able to remember any other way of entering the house rather than the front gate.

  After listening that, Mr. Congruen, feeling uncomfortable on the chair, stood up hesitantly but sat on the chair once again, his book intended to convey sympathetic comprehension.

  Mr. Charles continued his explanation and told them that he had left the hope of being able to unbolt the door but suddenly an idea striked into his mind, which was rather threatening and somewhat of an irrational behaviors. He decided to get out of the house through the warehouse which was actually made for the power supply of Oester’s Mansion. He showed guts to look for his slipper or shoes, whatever he could find in order to insulate his body in case if he faces an electrical shock. Unfortunately, he was not able to find any receptacle for his feet and had to go bare footed. It was highly dangerous and hazardous for him but he could do anything for the glee of his cherished children and his esteemed wife Jane.

  He told them that when he entered the warehouse through the air conditioner vent, he had to face the electrical wires which were closely touching each other but the positive point being that they were insulated with a coating of plastic. However, he was able to land on the ground of the warehouse without any difficulties but still the danger was not over, his life being still on an intense risk.

  Mr. Congruen had already drink two glasses of water and now it was going to be the third glass, which he had taken from the portion in front of Mr. Charles seat.

  Mr. Charles was not over till yet, so he continued his explanation, taking permission from Mr. Congruen to proceed. He was obviously granted permission but Mr. Congruen was out of his wits when he heard the full story.

  While he was walking his way to the big shutter of the warehouse, he had to stop because of some sparks, which were eventually caused by the direct touching of two wires. He tried to extinguish those sparks but they were uncontrollable and before he could quickly make his move and walk through the wires, an open wire, swinging in air, fell down but alas, his foolishness lead to a dangerous situation.

  He tried to hold that wire with his hand but somehow, it touched his arm and he had become the prey of an electrical shock which contained, more on less, around thousands of volts. He was ruthlessly hurt by the electrical shock which led to his nauseating condition.

  Mr. Congruen was shocked to hear the story, didn’t wait for even a single minute and granted bail to him and his son. He was feeling extremely guilty for his mistake but he allowed Mr. Charles to go from there, he also asked him, “Why did you play a prank with that unreal pistol? You can answer the question and leave for the hospital, David would be waiting for you in room number twenty six. One of my official is waiting outside the police station. He would drop you to the hospital and I’m really sorry for my mistake; I know you’ll never forgive me but still I felt like saying sorry. I didn’t have any other option at that time as I was bound by the law.”

  “Well, I think that my wife Jane must have removed the bullets from the pistol as she knew that I was very much angry and might shoot someone in anger and yeah I know that it was not your mistake but what will say to MR. Connel. Any ways, thank you very much,” said Mr. Charles and went to the hospital sullenly so that he could spend some time with his son, David.

  The New Year’s Eve

  Only one day was left for the New Year’s Eve and what could be so good on the earth as David had completely recovered himself and the Oester family was once again, living happily.

  When Mr. Connel got to know that Susan was dead and David was saved, somehow, he resigned from the company and what a strange thing is destiny; the person who used to be the best friend of Mr. Charles was now the person who used to hate him the most.

  Finally, the New Year’s Eve arrived and everyone celebrated it happily except the Franklin family. Mr. Charles had organized a marvelous revelry to celebrate the glee which was in his heart for his adored and cherished son David. All the legitimates were cordially invited for the revelry and it was a completely extraordinary revelry, which was hardly spectated by the invitees, throughout their lifetime. A charming show of Venation Waltz was performed by the choreographers who had been invited from Venice.

  However, the revelry was so much mind blowing that the eyes of people remained open as it went. It was just a way to utilize time in a fun and frolic way. People were relishing it; some by having wine, whisky and tequila, while some by dancing, while forgetting their horribly bad days and completely right to say, the Oester family was one of them. They were endeavoring their finest to forget their brutal days and begin a new life with a new year. David’s hands were not with him but still he was ecstatic that he was, alive at least.

  Only two minutes were left for the clock to turn twelve but Mr. Charles, having taken a lot of dowels, went to the washroom so that he could revive himself and comprehend the serenity of the new year. The moment he came out of the washroom, a phone call remarked his revival as there was a lot of clamor everywhere and washroom could be a deluxe place to focus on an important phone call; especially a call from Greece and privately he doubted more than ever as there was a lot of prospect for the encounter of primitive sites. He picked up the phone call, his company having unearthed a noteworthy antediluvian site, had to fly to Greece at the time of New Year’s Eve. The hall was teemed with a lot of people; his family being somewhere in the crowd, had to migrate to Greece without making them cognizant of his exodus. He thought that he would tell Mrs. Jane about his parting the next day, while leaving her to adore the New Year’s Eve with her friends and her cherished son David.

  Finally, the vital time came, the clocks turned twelve and from space the Earth vivified a million times as the dazzling fireworks, which were loved by the people, had obscured the atmosphere with their vivid lights, making it a completely new and an exotic new year for the dwellers of the blue planet.
r />   Mr. Charles also witnessed that jiffy with his very much own eyes, when he was sitting securely in his furtive jet.

  His flight landed at the Greece’s International Airport, while his men were anticipating for his arrival. They received him with an abounding welcome by the Greece government. He was delighted to see that he was a notorious person all over the globe. He momentarily went to the site which was recently encountered by the Greek Archeological Department; a branch of his company.

  Many hoary relics were exhumed from that place and the name of that site was alleged to be “Asphaldite”, derived from the name of its one and only formidable King Asphal Zudite.

  People had not heard of that site earlier than that and it was a significant discovery for Mr. Charles as it could be the place which was rumored to be the site where, millions of years ago, a sinewy weapon, formally called “Scythe”, belonging to the Greek God Chronos was concealed by the intellectual of mortality-Zeus, God of the heaven. Mr. Charles, not being sure but once thought that the Scythe might be veiled somewhere under that site.

  “David, he’s not picking up the call,” Mrs. Jane said frenziedly; “I’m trying to call him since last morning but he’s not picking up the call. God knows which condition he might be in.”

  “Don’t worry mom, I’ve contacted his officials and they are saying that he’s in Greece and might return back after a month if there’s any delay in the excavation of some site named as Asphaldite,” David replied tranquilly.

  “Now what is this? Will I ever get time with my husband or not? He’s always out. Sometimes, on expeditions while sometimes on excavations. I’m sick of it now! Your father just, don’t really deserves an erotic and a charming girl like me,” said Mrs. Jane while shaking her head like a crazy woman.